Friday, May 29, 2015

Finding Adventure

I love adventures. And to me, that word has so many different meanings. It could be flying on a plane, it could be just a road trip, or not even a trip at all. 

Some of the best adventures I've ever had were right in my backyard. For instance, me and my brother wanted some pine wood for a fire we were burning on our patio. We walked together to the ends of the earth (ok not really just to the edge of our big property) and looked in our big wood pile for pine wood. Disappointed were we when we found none. We turned around and began walking back when my brother spotted a fairly large dead branch hanging in one of our pine trees. We then got the genius idea of somehow getting that branch down because we just had to have pine wood. In the end, we got it down, and in great victory, pulled it up to the house and celebrated our triumph in finding pine wood. 

To me, some of the greatest adventures are just those everyday happenings that we share with those we love. Because everyday has the promise of holding a new adventure.

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