Thursday, April 4, 2013

Leaving a Legacy

     Today I went to a funeral. My great grandmother's funeral. It was more of a celebration of her promotion to a better place. She is happier there, standing in Heaven, holding her hubby's hand as they walk with their loved ones and look into their Saviour's face. They both left an incredible legacy behind in the Hatfield family, one that will not be forgotten.
     Usually, people cry and mourn at the passing of the one they knew. But I remember one funeral especially that touched me. It was my great grandfather's. I cried then, but it had a special effect on me. I realized how short and fleeting life really is. Looking back, I ask myself now "What am I doing that will last? The only thing that will last is the effect I will have on others, what was done for them, and for God."
     As David put it in Psalms 90:12 "So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

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