Monday, April 22, 2013

He Will Restore

     Last night, when I came home, my brother was showing me videos of the explosion at the plant in Texas. Opinions arise as to whether or not it was a missile, and diliberately bombed.
     And our nation was in turmoil after the first few days of the Boston marathon bombing. Questions come and go, and still there are things unanswered.
     I realized yesterday, for the first time, how quickly the end could come. And God is indeed bringing the Bride across the world together. When Bro. Murphy Wong spoke in church about all the great things happening and China, and how groups are forming so quickly, and people are just getting saved left and right, I asked "How come God is not moving like that here?"
     It was then, my eyes opened, and I answered my very own question. "He is!!!!" You see, I had been in a valley so low, so dark for a few months, and I thought I would never come to the light again. But I believe God did a supernatural work in my life. I wasn't asking for it, wasn't even praying for it or looking for it. It was like God said "Okay, you are going to be happy again. You will want to follow me again. You will come back to me again and I will restore you."
     Honestly, I believe it was supernatural. That's just my testimony of the past few days, and God's goodness to His children. God is so good.
     He will restore!
     "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it." -1 Thessalonians 5:24


  1. Good blog...I was so glad to read this!

  2. Amen sister. The same thing happened to me yesterday as I opened the Word for my morning devotional. I have been in a slump for quite some time, and there is nothing worse than an unhappy Christian.

    Bro. Murphy really stirred my heart up as well, and I have been thinking to myself.. "I spend a lot of time concerned with DOING BETTER, so that I can be happy with myself.. but God is happy with me because He sees Christ in me, so I need to spend more time on others rather than having this introspective Christian walk"
